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Digitalise my products

Square logo 2020
Agency packaging, e-commerce & digital publishing


Square is a prémédia packaging and digital publishing agency. We help brands à streamline their packaging and marketing communication processes. We believe that a fluid organization and exacute;cution of the graphic chaîne are the key to the performance of the brand, à both on the shelves and on the drives. Starting from a datacentric vision of our métier, we have automated the packaging extension: amélimposing the quality, we limit the loops with our customers, thus accélélérant;rant;their time to market and réduisant leur coût. Beyond the packaging, we produce 3D visuals and Mobile Ready Hero Images based on the GS1 Guidelines.

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ConsoTrust Logo Validated AI
AI for quality and data performance


ConsoTrust is an online platform (SaaS) for food brands and retailers, introduced since September 2019 by the two co-founders of the AllergoBox application.

By 80% of distributors in France and more and more manufacturers, ConsoTrust puts artificial intelligence to good use through two complementary modules between them:

ConsoTrust Data Services intended to guarantee the compliance of brands' products (up to 40% errors depending on the brands) and to automate the calculation and structuring of hundreds of consumer attributes (scores, environment, origin, health,etc., allégations/labels)) à from all types of media (texts or visuals).

ConsoTrust Business Services leverages the reliable and enriched data from ConsoTrust Data Services to offer benchmark, am&improvement and simulation services for ranges according to the multiple consumer attributes available on the platform. Sales data can also complement services through data exchange partnerships between ConsoTrust and the main panelists.

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Akanea png


KANEA, the provider of software solutions for the management and logistics of road transport, international shipping and aacute;

Road transport - for road freight professionals: Full or partial lot, cargo, courier, race, express, charter...
Akanea TMS Digital Edition
Akanea TMS Start
Akanea TMS Start

Logistics - for logistics and management of companies: wholesalers, logistics providers, carriers, traders...
Akanea WMS
Agri-food - Management, production and agri-food strategy: Food, Transformation, Distribution, Industrial, Co-op...

Customs - for the simplification of your customs procedures: courier, importer, exporter, industrialist...
Akanea GAMMA

Freight Forwarding for the management of international transport operations: forwarders and transport commissionaires - international, NVOCC, loaders...
Akanea TMS Freight Forwarding
Akanea TMS Freight Forwarding Start

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Akeneo logo square RGB


AKENEO is a company that develops a product data management (PIM) to simplify your product data management processes.

Our intuitive tool, the market leader in open-source PIM, helps companies centralize and harmonize all technical and marketing information from their catalogues and products.

Get your data from any source, enrich and control the quality of your product information, and disseminate it across multiple channels. With Akeneo, take back the co-op of your data and don't be afraid of multichannel!

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All-in-one eCommerce platform


Syndigo is a PIM + DAM + product content syndication (GDSN, core content, Enriched Content) + eCommerce analytics platform.

We work with more than 12,000 brands, and guarantee you the connection with more than 1,750 recipients worldwide.

We offer you an easy-to-use platform, which can be used for a well-designed functionality (example: publish product sheets on a Drive site), or in an end-to-end approach (centralize all your product information, translate it, validate it -> send this information à each recipient, in the right format, in the right language and according to the right process -> enrich its product sheets with vidéos, interactive images, 360° towers, and more -> bénéficier of time-based analyses on the quality and effectiveness of your content (across all platforms).

Don't get to à contact us to find out more!

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Antares Vision France


Antares Vision enables the digitization of products and supply chains by offering traceability, inspection and integrated data management solutions. AV France helps companies and institutions ensure safety, quality, efficiency and sustainability by creating a chain of Trustparency®.

DIAMIND, AV Group's integrated ecosystem of solutions, simplifies the technology environment and supports business growth by enabling a tailored data-driven journey to digital innovation. Connecting physical products to digital, DIAMIND operates at the line, plant, warehouse, company and supply chain level, and guarantees product quality (inspection systems and equipment) and end-to-end traceability (from raw materials to production, from distribution to consumer and vice versa) through integrated data management, the use of artificial intelligence and possibly blockchain.

AV Group is active in the life sciences (pharmaceuticals, medical devices and hospitals), beverage, food, cosmetics, chemicals and packaging sectors and potentially many others.

AV Group has been listed on Euronext's STAR segment since 14 May 2021 and has been part of the Euronext Tech Leaders Index, dedicated to leading technology companies with high growth potential, since July 2022.

In 2022, Antares Vision Group achieved a turnover of 223 million euros. The Group is present in 60 countries, employs more than 1,100 people and has a consolidated network of more than 40 international partners.

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Arjo Solutions

Le Bourget-du-Lac

Arjo Solutions, an expert in security, designs and provides physical and digital solutions for identifying, authenticating and processing products and documents to enable its customers to fight fraud, counterfeiting and marketability.

Accompanying governments and private companies for more than 15 years, Arjo Solutions is a major player in trademark protection, tax collection and protection of identity documents.

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atrify logo


Thanks to our solutions and services, our thousands of customers across 60 countries are able to change reliable and high-quality product information within their communities; partners and with regulatory organizations, via our cloud platform and data pool certified; GDSN

Our solution allows companies to simplify their management process and exchange information, including for digital assets (images, documents).

As a leader in the services offered to health stakeholders, atrify is the only company that combines access to the GDSN with a direct connector to euDAMED regulatory agencies and GUDID (the FDA's regulatory database).

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AURES logo Linkedin
AURES Technologies and AURES LAB


Créé in 1989 and coté on Euronext since 1999, AURES Technologies is an IT manufacturer of mattérielles, digital and application solutions for all sectors of the Point of Sale.
The AURES Group has a global presence, with a headquarters in France, subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and the USA (AURES Technologies Inc and Retail Technology Group - RTG*), Tunisia (LST**) as well as a network of partners, distributors and resellers implanted in more than 60 other countries.
*La société américaine Retail Technology Group Inc (RTG) is a major player across the Atlantic in IT services and POS (hardware & software) maintenance.
** The Tunisian company LST (Leader Touch Solution) is the Group's development unit in terms of middleware and digital applications

Transversal and complementary to the Group's activities, the offer of the INNOVATION Division (AURES LAB) aims to support Brands and Service Points in their évolutions and transformations liées à the mobilité, digital and à the omni-channel; it includes an exclusive RFID solution for the global processing of products, which makes it possible to track them individually, from their manufacture to their marketing in stores, to manage and optimize their flows and stocks - and to track and process in a timely manner the sensitive or strategic data relating thereto.

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Authentification et traçabilité des produits


Notre solution technologique d’authentification et de traçabilité des produits durables : marquage physique unique, liée à un passeport numérique, a nécessité 4 ans de R&D.

Après une première collaboration fructueuse en 2020 dans le cadre du “coup de pouce vélo”, l’Etat nous renouvelle sa confiance en 2021. Mandatés en partenariat avec IN Group (imprimerie nationale), nous mettons à disposition notre blockchain privée pour assurer l’enregistrement des vélos neufs, rendu obligatoire depuis janvier 2021, dans le FNUCI (Fichier National Unique des cycles Identifiés). À ce jour, plus d’1,5 millions de vélos ont été enregistrés grâce à notre technologie brevetée.

Aujourd'hui des entreprises des secteurs du design, du mobilier, de la joaillerie, de la mobilité et du sport nous font confiance pour proposer à leur clients des produits certifiés et reliés à un passeport numérique inviolable et infalsifiable.

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yzr logo logo-sablier-top-bleufonce-outline (1)
Automatic qualitying of product data


YZR is a SaaS tool that allows you to:
- Automatically standardize with artificial intelligence the data re&e¸ues by your partners, suppliers and internal data for the réécrire in a homogène and standard way
- Créer à la volée grâce à l'intelligence des attributs produit à partir des descriptions pour mieux qualifier et catégoriser vos produits ou même pour créer finer analyses de vos ventes / stocks
- Collaborate with your internal teams and suppliers / partners / customers by sharing the automatic qualitying of your data

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logo def S2P noir
B2P Connect


For more than 16 years, we have been supporting our customers in their digital transformation. We dématérialis;rialis;rialize the sharing of information of more than 20,000 actors of the Supply Chain in Europe with:

Dès on September 16th, find all our solutions on our new digital solutions portal [xxxxxxx] .

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B4Food / BP Trace


B4Food is a SaaS traceability solution based on an eco-responsible blockchain offering increased security and data durability.
Our paperless solution makes it possible to digitize manufacturing processes, controls such as HACCP, etc. .. A tablet application whose interface is customized for each operator simplifies data entry.
At the end of the process, the solution makes it possible to trace all the manufacturing steps of a product including the products composing it.

Consumers are increasingly expecting transparency on the origins, stages of products and CSR procedures. Our application makes it possible to generate QR Code in the augmented format recommended by the GS1 and to share the information collected during internal traceability operations.

Data sharing between actors via API is also a component of our solution.

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Copy of LOGO Viziotix  RBG
Barcode scanning by camera!


Viziotix provides an expert barcode scanner software library for enterprise applications. The library can be integrated into applications and solutions that run on any camera-equipped smart device. This professional software allows fast and accurate scanning of barcodes to ensure the highest efficiency of any barcode process. The software is able to scan many codes per image and also decode barcodes that are difficult to read. Typical applications include inventory counting, planogram compliance, self-service scanning, and mobile payment. Typical devices include smartphones and robotic or automated scanning solutions.

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Biotopia RVB

La Garenne-Colombes

BIOTOPIA supports the actors of the Bio sector to structure, develop and be known by solutions recognized by all market players.

Indeed, 90% of the players in the organic industry use at least 1 of our solutions.

After more than 10 years, our rôle has become central, we participate à the transformation of the organic market.

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Buyerdock - The Automatic Triman Logo Generator


Buyerdock is a technology platform for brands.

By simply scanning the 2D barcode (QR) visible on the packaging, consumers will have easy access to product-related content through a web application without the need to download or create an account.

Buyerdock enables brands to create new messaging through GS1-powered 2D-QR barcodes printed on packaging, including the recycled Triman logo and text required by article 13 of the AGEC law.

These next-generation barcodes offer a range of expanded features that help businesses meet a wide range of complex needs by instantly connecting consumers to real-time dynamic content when scanning a smartphone.

As of January 1, 2023, new European laws require all consumer products sold in France and Italy to provide recycling information in the local language. All wine sold in the EU in 2023 require a QR code to offer the consumer more information, such as allergens and nutrition.

To help meet this challenge, any brand hosting product information on the Buyerdock app will have the ability to update or release new information to their consumers directly through the 2D-QR barcode.

Key benefits include:

* Brands can quickly and easily comply with new laws and respond to changing regulatory requirements in global markets - especially recycling (triman and text for article 13 French circular economy and European wine law)

* Manufacturers have the ability to build direct relationships with customers through an array of digitally stored information, including recycling, sustainability, nutrition, promotions, social media, certifications, and more.

* Cost effective for businesses of all sizes - every product barcode is free with web app access from £1 per month

* Reduced packaging costs - information can be stored and delivered digitally, reducing packaging, costs and environmental impact

* Simplicity and efficiency - one interface for all communication requirements in all markets, helping to reduce brand overhead

* Easy access for customers via QR code scan on smartphone, no app download or registration required (see attached images)

* Provides reliable information, including allergens and nutrition, which helps make products more accessible to consumers

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LOGO Keep-control
Challenge your CSR policy


Too much PPE is used on a daily basis, while it does not comply with regulatory requirements, the recommendations of use of manufacturers. Keep Control provides a global response to work safely from the identification of equipment, the exchange of useful information, the monitoring of their compliance to recycling.
Management becomes simple, even when devices are used while roaming.
Objective: to consume less PPE and better use it for increased safety of wearers.

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Logo Citeo avec signature


Citeo is a company with a mission created by companies in the consumer and distribution sector to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging and paper, by offering them solutions for reduction, reuse, sorting and recycling. To respond to the ecological emergency and accelerate the transition to the circular economy, Citeo has set itself 5 commitments:
• reduce the environmental impact of its customers' products by anchoring the circular economy and ecodesign in their practices and strategies;
• create the conditions to build the solutions of today and tomorrow that combine environmental and economic performance;
• give consumers the keys to reduce the environmental impact of their consumption;
• co-construct and promote the company's solutions and positions, from local to international;
• cultivate the commitment of its employees in the service of its mission.
Since the creation of Citeo, consumer and distribution companies have invested more than €11 billion to develop eco-design, to install and finance separate collection and to create recycling channels, with their partners local authorities, sectors and operators. Today, 68% of household packaging and 60.5% of paper are recycled thanks to the sorting gesture of the French that has become the first eco-citizen gesture.

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La Rochelle

The Compagnie Rochelaise du Logiciel (COROLO) is a solution provider to promote the regulatory compliance of companies with digital tools.

COROLO has a particular intention to simplify uses and respect the standards of the sectors of activity (Retail and Rail).

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Courbon SAS png


Innovative company within a global group

Linked to the VINCI Energies group, Courbon Software is a dynamic and innovative company.

The experience of society is being fulfilled; Courbon SAS's historic -ndash; pre-cursor of the Manufacturing Execution System and the dynamism of its young software development teams, Courbon Software continues the tradition of innovation and the use of new technologies for the optimization of industrial performance.

Courbon Software designed innovative, integrated software; all production processes.

Our software suites are developed according to the requirements of each sector of activity: pharmaceutical industry, agri-food, material chemistry, manufacturing. Courbon Software thus supports the digital transformation of companies and contributes to the growth of their industrial performance. Courbon Software is distinguished by innovative and fully adaptable software in all manufacturing processes.


As a market-leading market for information systems, the M.E.S. (Manufacturing Execution System) software company develops software that enables manufacturers to measure, collect and drive information to optimize production, packaging, and storage resources.

Its software, PHARMACIM-reg; and PRODUCIM,s are the result of important research and development programs in collaboration with the big names in the global industry.

These high-value software are developed and implemented on standard platforms (systems, database, standards, architecture, ERP interfaces, automated systems,...) on which our teams have contributed all their expertise in their clients' procedures.

PHARMACIM and PRODUCIM are software intended directly for industrial users to facilitate the management and control of production units, through simple and scalable use.

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