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Product traceability

AtGP-logo-2108-HD 1


Factur-X qualification
Electronic invoice qualification
Logistics excellence qualification
GDSN qualification

@GP is a publisher of software, digitalization and synchronization applications in data sharing between business partners.
@GP supports its clients in their digital transition to EDI and the development of the company, with customized and scalable solutions, in accordance with current standards, which allow them to increase their customer satisfaction, improve the productivity of their processes, a vector of value added. Our multi-sector solutions are user-oriented whether they are large groups, SMEs, industrialists, laboratories, distributors, brands.

Key figures: Society of Society; French, background for more than 20 years and low-level
3500 customers | 50 employees | 8.4 million euros in sales in 2020 | 20 million EDI messages per year


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AGENA 3000


Factur-X qualification
Electronic invoice qualification
Logistics excellence qualification
GDSN qualification

Created in 1980 THE AGENA3000 company is a provider and incentive for solutions to optimize data exchanges for manufacturers, distributors and their partners in various business sectors.
In France as an international company, AGENA3000 supports more than 3,500 customers who trust it in their digital transformation.
In addition to its offices in France (Cholet and Le Mans), AGENA300 is located in Montes and Tunis.

AGENA300 pays particular attention to the importance of its solutions in meeting the standards and uses of the business sectors in which they are required. The different qualifications obtained from GS1 France guarantee users compliance with these standards.

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TX2 LOGO (1)
TX2 Concept


Factur-X qualification
Electronic invoice qualification
Logistics excellence qualification
GDSN qualification

With 20 years of experience, TX2 CONCEPT is a well-known solution provider in the market, specializing in data exchanges, and the practice of professional data.

TX2 CONCEPT is a low-year and successful sales of more than 1.5 million euros; in constant and steady growth for many years.

More than 6,000 companies use our solutions and services in more than 30 countries.

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Generix Group logo tagline


Factur-X qualification
Electronic invoice qualification

Generix Group Generix Group is an expert in the Supply Chain Collaborative in more than 60 countries, thanks to its subsidiaries and network of partners. Its SaaS solutions are used by nearly 6,000 companies worldwide. The group's 550 employees support clients such as Carrefour, Danone, FM Logistic, Fnac-Darty, Essilor, Ferrero and Geodis on a daily basis in the digital transformation of their Supply Chain. Its collaborative platform, GenerixSupply Chain Hub, helps businesses keep the promise made to their customers. It combines the capacity to excise physical flows, to de-exercise information flows, to manage collaborative processes and to connect companies to all of their partners, in real time. GenerixSupply Chain Hub is aimed at all supply chain players: industrialists, logistics providers (3PL/4PL) and distributors. Created in France in 1990, the company is listed on the euronext Paris market, Compartment C (ISIN: FR0004032795).

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API Logo 2019 HD

Les Ulis

Electronic invoice qualification

A subsidiary of the French Group Prologue (more than 500 employees in France and around the world), API (formerly Prologue Numérique) has been present in France in the field of EDI for about twenty years.

Software publisher and recognized supplier in the dématérialization of échanges of dataées and documents, especially in EDI, its range Use it Flow spécialisée is agréé GS1 2017 for the processing of invoices électronics EDIFACT.

API is also a signatory to the Charter of Interopérabilité of billing électronics solutions and a member of the FNFE.

We support certain public bodies and companies from different sectors of activity in the evolution of their "material" exchange (EDI, XML, etc.) and their digital transformation.

These years of know-how allow us to offer services for the deacute;matérialisation of B2B/BtoA flows in both on-premise and SaaS (Software as a Service) mode.

(more information is available on our website with références and témoignages customers)

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GDSN qualification

Thanks to our flexible and "modifiable" data model, the platform is opening up to other distribution sectors such as parapharmacy, safe distribution and out-of-home catering.

After a successful launch in France, Alkemics is entering the UK market in 2018 as a provider of a successful solution by productDNA: a service that helps distributors and their suppliers share product data.

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Electronic invoice qualification

EDICOM, an international technology and services conference for data integration, develops systems for the automatic transmission and processing of information between companies around the world.

We implement solutions such as EDI | Electonic Data Interchange or The Electronic Bill via EDICOM B2B Cloud Platform, a platform in ASP - SaaS mode that makes it possible to make the commercial and efficient processes of thousands of companies profitable.

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Electronic invoice qualification

We have been players in the EDI field for many years.

We have developed internal or external EDI solutions as well as e-commerce applications.
Our customers are from all sectors of activity: Retail, Automotive, Industry, Transport...
We are committed to using commercial RVA (Atlas 400, Allegro, GXS...) including AS2-type exchanges.

We develop our applications in C-to-NET: LogisEdicot: Capable of all commercial, logistics, financial (including invoices) in the front of a GesCom and/or autonomous.

We can offer you:

an EDI (or Web EDI) solution that will be in-house or not
to make specific developments (in terms of EDI messages) in relation to the needs of your customers.
All this is interfaced in relation to your information system (AS400...) and your customers' platforms.

We are special in EDIFACT, ANSI X12, TRADACOM, GENCOD and we process messages for these different standards:

Change of orders (Message, Standard and version of the company)
Returns (Message, Standard and version of returns)
Invoic version of billing - Our solution is approved by the IMB for tax registration of invoices)
accused of re-receipt of orders, return, billing (Message, Standard and version of the orders)
sales statistics (from Excel file) (Message, Standard and pre-grave; pre-cacise).
Our main customers in the industry and retail sector are:

Facom (all EDI externalised flows with us)
Logista (all EDI externalised flows with us)
Water -Ecarlate (all EDI externalised flows in our country)

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LOGO-Zone de protection sans baseline


Electronic invoice qualification

EDT is a market-based player; Professional Electronic Exchanges (EDI, XML, Web-EDI, tax-related tax revenue of EDI/PDF and Editique invoices, EDI problems coupled with the constraints of e-commerce).

EDI's EDI operator since 1990 has positioned itself as a host, distributor and distributor of EDI, EAI, B2B and information services if the customer moves towards outsourcing. Two high-availability data centers provide our services.

EDT offers a comprehensive service of accounting for information; or mutuality; (SaaS/Cloud) and a safe -eacute;electronic -aebit; a probative value to meet the growing needs of outsourcing of companies. In addition, EDT provides a total re-accessibility of its solutions.

EDT is the exclusive distributor in France, Belgium and Swiss Romande of IBM Sterling Commerce and GXS solutions, the two world leaders.

EDT has more than 250 major customers and a strong experience in building and implementing strategic applications for Carrefour, Castorama, DIM, Orefi, France Telecom, Nexans, Philips, Plastic Omnium, Salomon, Val-eacute;o, Vivarte, Otor, Sed Logistics, FM Logistics, Canal, M6, Intersport, Lactalis... as well as for many SMEs/PMIs.

EDT is a signatory to the Interop-ability Charter of Electronic Billing Solutions: click here for more information.

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GDSN qualification

EQUADIS, one of the European leaders in the development of data exchanges price has developed; a set of solutions allowing companies to re-enter the cost of processing data, to make the exchanges between the players in the supply chain (suppliers) more reliable. carriers, distributors). The Equadis solution can be simplified as a "corporate" solution that allows companies of all sizes to disseminate a single information information to their subsidiaries, agents and other consumers of the information produced and thus ensure a unique view.

EQUADIS has acquired expertise and experience available to its customers. They ensure the fluidity and good circulation of data throughout the chain of information ranging from the supplier's information systems to those of its customer and thus a time-saving in the operation of the product and tariff data.

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Logo EsaLink


Electronic invoice qualification


In the fields of EDI and EAI, EsaLink assists its clients on their digitalization and technicalization projects.

We bring our expertise to the business sectors of retail, industry, automotive, automotive, transport, logistics, advertising, and pharmaceuticals.

Our values are:


An interactive of our high-performance services in a serene work environment.

The satisfaction of our customers at the heart of our procedures with a quality system certified by ISO-9001.

The cost and consideration of your quality requirements; our services.

Competitive and active commercial and technical assistance.


We make our customers and employees feel safe and confident in working with our company.


Benevolence of managers towards employees, employees with each other and towards the company. We believe that benevolence, demand and economic performance are inseparable. The future of our companies depends on our know-how, but also, and above all, on our know-how.


The quality of human relations, advice and the spirit of service.

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Electronic invoice qualification

ICDSC, which was created in 1988, has become a major player in the management of information flows. ICDSC provides software and hardware solutions with a wide range of associated services.

IcDSC is able to adapt to the constraints and needs of businesses of all sizes.
ICDSC supports its customers in France and the International by offering them a range of innovative products in a constantly evolving market.

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LPth2xh5 400x400
Tenor EDI Services, data specialist!


Electronic invoice qualification

With its success and expertise, recognized for more than 30 years, TENOR now plays a major role in the development of special services in the digitalization of the supply chain. With EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), Eacute;eacute;es Informatisées, tax dématérialisation services, the development of B-to-B and Third-party WEB applications and Enterprise Application Integration - EAI (Interapplicative Flow Management).

A complete offer that includes the logistical constraints of
the most demanding sectors such as the automotive and large-scale distribution, but which also meets the needs of other sectors of activity (aéronautique, industry, logistics providers, etc.).

Today, Tenor EDI Services is 30 years of expertise in EDI service, 3 agencies and 80 experts.

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TIE Kinetix, your EDI partner


Electronic invoice qualification

At TIE Kinetix, we deliver Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions to companies, governmental institutions, and their suppliers, to help them exchange all business documents electronically and simplify supply chain processes as a result.

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16-07-10-Logo-360SmartConnect Vert gris GRAND


Characteristics, documents, actions carried out, instructions... Follow real-time object information and simply collaborate with all stakeholders. From their manufacture for the construction site to their maintenance over time!

50% input time saved per field operator
5h of possible savings on time tracking

Simply dematerialize, store and view the information of your objects
Goodbye papers! With 360 SmartConnect, digitize every piece of information and documents about your objects. And make them accessible simply in a few clicks, from the object thanks to a QR Code / NFC or remotely from your computer.

Share and collaborate effectively in your construction projects...
From the design of the part in the factory, to its installation and its proper routing on the site, follow in real time each action carried out by the parties of your project. All in a secure environment where information is frozen!

... and on the maintenance of your objects once installed!
What actions have already been taken? By who? What are the future actions to be planned? Always keep an eye on the maintenance of your items once installed. And keep control over the right realization!

Control and monitor in a few clicks remotely
Thanks to our platform, centralize all the objects tracked by the 360 SmartConnect solution and follow each step of your project! Thanks to exports and visual dashboards, you always know where you stand!

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MicrosoftTeams-image (30)
About Productsup - Who we are ?


Our tools, processes and technology have been certified by GS1. GS1 BelgiLux is now proud to use our technology to help its customers capture data. Our collaboration with GS1 France is therefore natural to help French members with our solution sized for their needs.
The combination of human logic and AI technology ensures a continuous growth of our GS1 knowledge. Over time, we will not only become smarter, but also more efficient.
Thanks to our advanced processes, we have more time to help our clients resolve difficult questions or situations.

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LogoActeos png


Since 1986, the Acteos Group has been offering digital and mobile solutions for Supply Chain based on time-to-time and accurate analytics: Demand Forecast, Procurement and Replenishment, Transportation Management (TM), Warehouse Management (WM), Business Intelligence and Analytics, Predictive Analytics and Machine, Mobile Learning Solutions etc.

More than 400 customers use Acteos solutions worldwide to achieve performance in logistics, transportation and mobility.

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Logo AGI png


ADOUR GESTION INFORMATIC (AGI) is a SAS with a capital of 500,000 euros;

Our values: AGI, partner of your performance

Our team of more than 42 employees develops business management software.
Our ERP InteGraal supports the globality of your information system.
Our technological choices, our technical expertise and our knowledge of your business guarantee you the reliability, openness and efficiency.
We are proud to share the trust of more than 250 companies, to provide them with the cost, flexibility and efficiency they need on a daily basis.

Our strengths:

A lasting partnership
Interlocutors appointed to follow you
A team who knows your business
A commitment to success and a financial commitment to the package
Flawless functional coverage
Reliability; and the success of our technological choices
A standard and scalable ERP, customizable to fit your specifics
A team of R and D's costs

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ADVANCED TRACK AND TRACE - Digital Identifiers


Advanced Track & Trace® brings you the possibility of transforming your products into new vectors of communication with your customers, your network and with the consumer. Your physical products enter the digital world with complete and proven solutions:

- Give a unique, variable, traceable, forgery-free and intuitive digital identity to your products
- Control your supply chain by detecting anomalies and illegal practices
- Retain your customers by informing and securing them
- Set up new marketing channels

- Monitor your product data flows

ATT operates as a Variable Data Provider and provides security and traceability in the management of your variable data.

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Akanea png


KANEA, the provider of software solutions for the management and logistics of road transport, international shipping and aacute;

Road transport - for road freight professionals: Full or partial lot, cargo, courier, race, express, charter...
Akanea TMS Digital Edition
Akanea TMS Start
Akanea TMS Start

Logistics - for logistics and management of companies: wholesalers, logistics providers, carriers, traders...
Akanea WMS
Agri-food - Management, production and agri-food strategy: Food, Transformation, Distribution, Industrial, Co-op...

Customs - for the simplification of your customs procedures: courier, importer, exporter, industrialist...
Akanea GAMMA

Freight Forwarding for the management of international transport operations: forwarders and transport commissionaires - international, NVOCC, loaders...
Akanea TMS Freight Forwarding
Akanea TMS Freight Forwarding Start

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