Advanced Track & Trace® brings you the possibility of transforming your products into new vectors of communication with your customers, your network and with the consumer. Your physical products enter the digital world with complete and proven solutions:
- Give a unique, variable, traceable, forgery-free and intuitive digital identity to your products
- Control your supply chain by detecting anomalies and illegal practices
- Retain your customers by informing and securing them
- Set up new marketing channels
- Monitor your product data flows
ATT operates as a Variable Data Provider and provides security and traceability in the management of your variable data.
- Immediate strong authentication
- Public and private serialization
- Anti-counterfeiting, fraud detection
- Unit traceability, Track & Trace
- Integrity of products, documents, data
- Industrial engineering: integration on sites, special machines, write-read pairs,
- Control of the supply chain and retail
- Supplier monitoring and quality
- Consumer engagement tools
- IT services, tailor-made developments
For more than 15 years, Advanced Track & Trace® has been providing brands, manufacturers and governments with solutions to control and drastically reduce risks and improve supply chain management: authentication of products and product components, secure Track & Trace, integrity, anti-counterfeiting, advanced detection of fraud and uncontrolled practices (reuse, refilling, overproduction, substitution, manipulation, etc.).
ATT is the security partner of the biggest brands and world leaders in their sector, combining experience, expertise and confidentiality.
First and last name of the contact : Eric Dardaine
Mail address :
Phone : 0631172499
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