
Since 1992, EUROEDI has been a software provider and service provider, specializing in the Donn's Exchanges Informatis-eacutes (EDI) and the completion of inter-company flows or to the administration.

Our need is to provide you with accessible and easy EDI solutions; to implement to gain productivity, by automating your data exchanges.

We design EDI feed management tools and sign-signed PDFs, allowing you complete autonomy without advanced computing skills.

Our saaS (H-eacute;bergement) services are a rapidly cloudy system if you want to fully outsource the processing of your feeds or your eacute-electronic billing.

Every year, several million invoices are tax-efficient with our electronic billing tools, certified by GS1 France according to the provisions of the G-eacute code of the Imp-ocircs.

We spend almost 20% of our payroll on research and development to keep our solutions and products in line with market expectations while anticipating technological innovations.

We offer our 400 clients high-performance solutions, safe, scalable, adaptive to specifics, in accordance with tax regulations.

We offer you:

management of all types of EDI structuring files, standard or not,
consideration (inflows) or production (outflows) of all file formats, regardless of your information system (ERP, management software, specifics, data inter-ocircs)
routing and automating your files, via all available electronic communication channels,
tracking, managing, and archiving all your business, accounting, tax and tax flows;
On a daily basis, our technical experts are mobilized to improve reliability, activity; and financial optimization of your exchanges with your co-operations: Suppliers, Customers, Partners and Administration.


- Édition and support of a software suite 100% EDI (Server, Translator, Mapper) multi-sociétés, multi-rébuckets, multi-standards,...

- Billing Électronics solution (EDIFACT, XML/UBL, PDF signés) certifiée GS1 and fittingée à CHORUS PRO

- Manageable and tailor-made of all your flows (commercial, logistical, financial, déclaratifs, ...) from the SAAS mode (100% with us) to à complete autonomy (100% with you)

Company's information

Year of foundation
Company size
PME < à 250 personnes  

Target audience

All sectors


Assets 1
100% EDI Software Suite  
Assets 2
Certified Electronic Invoicing Solution GS1 and Chorus Pro  
Assets 3
Management of your flows r&eacute;versible and tailor-made =&gt; from the SAAS mode (100% with us) to &agrave; autonomy (100% with you)  

Target audience

All sizes companies

GS1 certifications

Electronic invoices

Activities of software publishers / integraters

Dematerialization tool

About the partner


Member since 5/12/21

A propos

Since 1992, EUROEDI has been a software provider and service provider, in the in-office of information technology (EDI), invoicing and the d&eacute;mat&eacute;rialisation of flows to the administration.

Our credit is to provide you with accessible and easy solutions &agrave; implement to gain in productivit&eacute;, by automating your &eacute;data changes&eacute;es.

We design EDI flow management tools and PDF sign&s, allowing you a complete autonomy without advanced it competence.

Our services in SaaS mode (H&eacute;bergement) are a fast op&eacute;rational r&eacute;ponse if you want to totally outsource the processing of your flows or your invoicing &eacute;lectronics.

Each year, several million invoices are invoiced by GS1 France according to the provisions of the G&eacute;n&eacute;ral Code of Imp&ocirc;ts.

We spend 20% of our payroll &amp; R&amp;D to ensure that our solutions and products are in line with market expectations while anticipating technological innovations.

We offer &agrave; our 400 customers high-performance solutions, s&eacute;curis&eacute;es, &eacute;volutives, adapted to the sp&eacute;cificit&eacute;s m&eacute;tier, compliant with the standards of &eacute;exchange and r&eacute;mentations.

We offer you:
the management of all types of EDI files structur&eacute;s, norm&eacute;s or non-norm&eacute;s,
taking into account (incoming flows) or production (outgoing flows) all file formats, regardless of your information system (ERP, management software, sp&eacute;cifique, data store&eacute;es&es&hellip;)
the routing and automation of your files, via all available communication channels &eacute;lectronics,
the follow-up, the control, and the archiving of all your data flows&eacute;es commercial, accounting, tax &hellip;

On a daily basis, our technical experts are mobilized to perfect the reliability, the re&eacute;activit&eacute; and the financial optimization of your &eacute;re;eacute;changes with your &eacute;cosyst&egrave;me:Suppliers, Customers, Partners and Administration.

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